
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Spot the Sig! - Round 1

As I have been alluding to in a few posts lately Team Phungo is hosting it's first contest! The contest will revolve around identifying unknown autographs. I ran one auto last week as a test run, and it was quickly IDd by Dayf.

Before boring you with the particulars of the Phungo Spot the Sig! contest I will present this weeks Auto:

While picking out select autos for this feature it became clear that some autos were significantly harder to read and figure out then others. Knowing this, I have decided that certain autos will have different values. I also decided that the competition should be scored in some sort of baseball fashion.

To satisfy both of these requirements, I picked base hits as a measure of a signatures difficulty. Last weeks Luzinski card would have been a single. While harder cards to ID would be doubles, triples and homers. I plan on running out 15 cards - hopefully each Sunday or Monday until Mid-February. Whoever has the most runs at the end of the contest Wins. Aside from being named Spot the Sig! Champion, I will send off a batch of cards to our winner.

There are some additional ground rules that I have stolen from a recent Tribe Cards Quiz contest:

  • Respond in the comments to THIS post.
  • Only the first correct response will be awared the weeks Hit.
  • Only ONE guess per person, please
  • If you choose to ignore the above rule, only your FIRST answer will be taken under consideration
  • Feel free to chat in comments, but please keep it clean
  • That pretty much sums it up
Each week I will try and come up with a bonus question related to the Auto. The bonus will be good for minimal value - I think a Stolen Base or Walk and this will also give a chance for two winners each week.

This weeks bonus question is....

I have been to over two hundred ball games - How many times have I witnessed the player from this weeks contest in a Major League Game?

Oh and one last thing. This weeks card is good for a Double. Good Luck.


  1. I'm gonna throw out a wild guess. I see an H and an S. The only one that comes to mind is Heathcliff Slocumb. For the bonus, I smell a trick. I think you've never seem him pitch.

  2. I meant Huston! What kind of name is Huston?

  3. That's Huston Street all right. Mark's got it, but I'm not above poaching a win due to a typo. 0 and 1 are taken , so what the heck, I'll say you've seen him twice.

  4. I was thinking Hustler Steve, but I guess Huston Street is probably a better guess.

  5. Wow that was quick! The First two responses are correct. Huston Street and Zero. The A's rarely come to Philadelphia and the only time I have ever seen them, Street did not get into the game.

    So I have Stats on the Back with a Man on 2nd and Cardboard Addiction with a man on first via a walk for getting the bonus question.

    Next Spot the Sig will be up on Sunday the 23rd.

    Thanks for your support!
