
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spot the Sig - 3rd Inning

Thanks for the heavy participation in the first couple of innings of Spot the Sig!.  I apologize that the first couple of Autographs went so quickly.
I think this weeks Sig will be a tad more challenging than the first couple of innings and I believe we may have run scored here in the 3rd inning as today's Autograph is worth a TRIPLE
And now it is time for an old STS! favorite the Cartoon Round.  Everybody on your toes as this one should go quickly.  
What is the card number for the Baseball Card bearing this cartoon:
Sorry about the Pic - still have PC issues at Phungo HQ.  But I think the caption is very appropriate for today.
Ground Rules 
Only one team gets the bonus this week.  A Walk goes to the first person to identify the Card number of the above card.
STS! Standings After 2 Innings

Autograph Cards - Representing the Kansas City Royals:  Men on 1st and 2nd
Plaschzke/Argyle - Brooklyn Dodgers: 1st and 2nd
DawgBones - Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs: 1st and 2nd
Too Many Grandersons - Tigers: 1st and 2nd  
Night Owl Cards - Los Angeles Dodgers:  1st  
Phillies Room: 1st
The Dimwit - Astros; 1st  
Nachos Grande - Reds: 1st  
Steven:  1st
Orioles Magic: 1st  

Rhubarb Runner - Twins: 1st 
The Angels ln Order - LA Angels:  On Deck 
UncleMoe of 2008 Topps Set : On Deck
Play At the Plate - Rangers : On Deck

Card Buzz- California Angels: On Deck

Nathan - A's: On Deck 

Waxaholic - Braves: On Deck 
Thoughts n Sox - Bosox: On Deck
You are welcome to join the game at anytime. If you need more Spot the Sig! details click here.


  1. going with Matt Cain... I need to think on the bonus though

  2. Congrats to the Captain. once again the auto was too easy. Bonus remains open.

  3. 155 for the bonus Valentine question

  4. It's card No. 502. Bobby Valentine. I wish I thought of the connection before I leafed through a bunch of '73s.

  5. Night Owl gets it, I had it down to '73, could not find the card.

  6. I knew it was a '73, and I knew that Sal Bando was born Feb. 13 (thanks to Google). Too bad I don't own enough '73s to verify my guess!

  7. I'm waiting for a 6AM "Spot the Sig" so I can move my runner over.

  8. The Cartoon guru Night Owl got the bonus.

    I would like to tell you next weeks auto will be a bigger challenge, but it doesn't appear to tough to me.

    Will try to get a STS profile and standings posted in the next couple of days.

  9. I've got to do a better job keeping up! I'll be more prepared for the next round.
