
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Introducing 2012 Phungo Cards!!! - Roy Halladay

Today Team Phungo proudly announces the release of the fourth edition of Phungo Cards. 

I am sort of amazed that this is the fourth set.  2012 Phungo is by far the smallest set, and it is also the least current as far as the Photography goes.  We only made it out to a handful of games this past years so the amount of recent product to draw from was severely diminished.  For this reason you will see lots of photos from past seasons.  This also means that the quality of shots is down.  Some cards that got cut from earliar sets have made it into 2012 by default. 

On the upside, for this years set, Pixlr was used rather than Paint to design the cards.  This made it significantly easier to make a more modern looking card:

2012 Phungo #34 Roy Halladay
Thanks to the team over at Goose Joak for introducing me to Pixlr, which made a lot of the elements of the 2012 Phungo card design possible. Even simple things like the rounded border aren't very easy to do in the confines of paint.  Placing the text over the photo is something made much easier by pixlr.  I have place a slightly white background so the name is more readable.  The Card Number and Date of the game are in the lower left.  Phungo Signature in the lower right. 

This is from a Game we saw in June where we were fortunate enough to get very good seats - unfortunately I was seated next to a very annoying woman, she was much to old to get away with being so juvenile.
This is the 2nd consecutive year I have opened the 2012 Phungo Cards postings covering Roy Halladay.  If I would have been more on the ball, we would be talking about Hunter Pence today, but I never got a good picture of Pence so he has been left out of the 2012 set.  Halladay didn't get Card #1 in the set like he did a year ago - He has instead been given the #34 which he wears on the field.  

The 2012 Phungo set is the smallest so far consisting of 38 Base cards.  The Jackie Robinson Retired Number Continuity Series returns for 2012 with three new cards including one of Jackie Robinson's familiar 42 from a different venue and two new Hall of Fame player cards.

Over the next week or two you will get to see several postings with additional cards from the 2012 set.