
Thursday, August 9, 2012

2012 Phillies Wall of Fame Night - Mike Lieberthal

Phillies Alumni weekend is upon us.  If you're a Phils fan and you can make it, I recommend the outing.  The organization does a good job bringing back former players and holding events. 

This year the Phillies Wall of Fame inductee is Mike Lieberthal. I haven't seen who will be introducing him, but a number of Phils luminaries are expected to be on hand for the occasion including Steve Carlton and Mike Schmidt.

2003 Topps Chrome #140 Mike Lieberthal

Mike Lieberthal is the one guy that most connects all the non-playoff years between 1994 and 2006.  Did a little research and found out he does not have the most games played as a Phil without repping them in the playoffs.  That dubious distinction belongs to Tony Taylor.

Despite his long tenure as a Phillies player I have only featured one Lieberthal card here previously, but I did put him on my Phillies all oughts team.  Which I may rethink with Carlos Ruiz having a very successful post-oughts career. 

Lieberthal did make the all-star team twice (1999, 2000) and hit 150 Home Runs during his Phillies career which I suppose is Wall of Fame worthy - but I got him as one of their weaker candidates.

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