This week’s
Spot the Sig! is good for a
Double - I don't think this one is to rough.
Here it is:

In honor of the Veteran’s committee coming out with their Hall of Fame Selection this week, the Bonus question is HoF related. Name any Hall of Famer that Team Phungo has seen play for an American League team. Of course this eliminates any Phillies I have seen, but there are still roughly a half dozen AL players that qualify.
Recapping the STS! standings thus far:
Cardboard Junkie -
Braves - 1 Run in - Man on First
PTBNL - I think repsresentin the
Phillies - Man on Third
Stats on the Back - Stinkin
Mets - Man on 2nd
Cardboard Addiction -
Bosox - Man on First
Night Owl -
Dodgers - The very patient Matt Kemp on first
For further information regarding the Phungo
Spot the Sig! contest click
here and join the party - you just may find yourself with a stack of cards come spring training!
Bob Feller.
And I'll say that you've seen Cal Ripken Jr.
Phoey, that was one I knew. His faded sig is sitting on a baseball on a shelf in my house.
I'll say Paul Molitor.
Eddie Murray!
Well done PTBNL. Thumbs Up on Ripken Molitor and Eddie Murray also.
I will keep this open for the bonus till Tuesday night.
Thanks everybody for your support!
And it is the Phils for me.
Very Cool PTBNL definitely needed a Phils Fan in the competition. And you have definitely made a great showing the last couple of weeks.
Dave Winfield.
Thanks for joining in on the action Sooz, but unfortunately Dave Winfield is not one of the players I got to see play :( you were sort of close. I saw Winfield this past summer play in a oelebrity softball game during All-Star Sunday. I don't think I can give you a walk for the softball gm. Is there any team you would like to represent Yankees and Cardinals are both available.
Yankees it is.
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