This Weeks Spot The Sig! subject is J R Towles and it is good for a Double for PTBNL. PTBNL who contributes to Auto-Matic For The People also got one of the bonus questions, which was to guess one of the catchers for the Phungo Fantasy Squad. He got Russell Martin of the Dodgers good for a Stolen Base. Team Phungo carried two other catchers this season, if anyone can guess either one of those catchers they can also collect a bonus base. I will leave the bonus question open till 9:30 on Tuesday evening. We are also giving anyone who missed on their first guess, a second chance to guess a catcher between now and tomorrow.
I certainly didn't plan this but there was also a hand-signed J R Towles posted on Auto-Matic For the People in the past week. I can now make out the 'R' much better when I compared the Goudey card to the hand signed card. Towles signature ends with a flat line pretty consistently between the Goudey above, the facsimile on his 08 topps card below and the hand signed @ AFTP. Towles added his uniform number (46) under the line on the hand signed card.

PTBNL has joined the STS! game and has a man on 3rd. I will update the full scorebard on Tuesday night.
If your new to Spot the Sig! click here for further info, and feel free to join the game anytime.
Ramon Castro
Carlos Ruiz
Sorry guys didn't carry either of those guys. Might of had Castro a few years back though.
Question is still open till 9:30 for anybody else.
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